Friday, January 31, 2014

Alcohol Virgin

Hello! My name is Katherine and I decided to take Geography of Wine because I know nothing about wine or alcohol in general. My experience with any type of alcoholic beverage is almost nonexistent - I truly never had a real drink until I was 21. Since then, I still haven't experimented too much except for the occasional mixed drink.

I have yet to find my taste for alcohol. I do seem to enjoy most Sangrias I try, but as for wine itself I have had trouble choosing from so many options. When attempting to purchase a bottle from the grocery store, it is very overwhelming especially for someone who doesn't drink. I have tried a California Riesling and an Australian Chardonnay. I didn't particularly enjoy either because they where both too strong of a taste, but I preferred the Chardonnay. I do not think I have ever tried a red wine by itself.

I would definitely like to learn about wines and the culture surrounding them. I am going to optometry school next year and I feel like my career path will put me in situations where I will need to know how to order a drink with ease during networking and other circumstances. Knowing this information could help me in many different situations.

I hope to gain much insight out of this class and become more willing to experiment with wine and other alcohol. In the past, I have been scared off by all the choices and terms that I just don't understand. Maybe in a few months I'll be able to teach my family a thing or two!